Music Videos

Music Videos The website was created in 2010 as a place for music fans to indulge their passion. Whether you're visiting to look up an out-of-print recording, to get our take on a new release, or simply to explore the world of music and see where it may lead, you've come to the right spot. is your online destination for all Somalia news resources and a winning newscast. Stay current with daily news updates in English, entertainment, business, politics and our main objective of humanitarian reporting!
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Hits: 2026
Sunday September 26, 2021 - 01:21:30
Khadar Keyow oo wacdaro ka dhigay bandhigii dhaqanka Somalida
Hits: 369
Saturday December 05, 2020 - 04:21:12
Hits: 3805
Thursday May 21, 2020 - 11:12:32
Qaraaxo 12-aad Fanaanadii kobta ula baxday kursi site si ay u garaacdo
Hits: 8448
Tuesday March 31, 2020 - 02:39:24
Farxiya Fiska iyo Cabdi hani hees cusub Oo berbera lagu duubay
Hits: 4216
Thursday March 12, 2020 - 07:24:20
Jaceylka Faladagan iyo Fartun Balbalarka oo Farxiya Fiska hees u qaaday
Hits: 2750
Tuesday March 10, 2020 - 10:44:26
DAAWO Hees Dhulka Hooyo iyo quruxda dalka Daud Xanfar - habeen qurux badan
Hits: 9804
Sunday November 24, 2019 - 12:36:01
Ninkii qabay Nasteexo Indho ayaa lagu xiray Heathrow Airport kadib markii Naagtiisa dacweeysay.
Hits: 3458
Tuesday October 08, 2019 - 23:48:12
Daawo Shiine Culay iyo Hani UK codadkii wada hadalkooda iyo wixii kala qabsaday
Hits: 3840
Tuesday October 08, 2019 - 23:38:36
Fanaan Dayax Dalnuurshe oo score jibiyay - Dayax best collections
Hits: 526
Tuesday September 17, 2019 - 03:26:22
Daawo iidle Yare iyo Fanaanad cusub oo hees daadis iyo calaacal
Hits: 116
Tuesday September 17, 2019 - 03:24:41
Kaftanka Iidle Yare iyo Arooskii Kenyanka gabadha magaceeda
Hits: 9215
Tuesday June 11, 2019 - 22:50:17
Daawo xidigta Layla Ubax oo soo saartay muuqaalka heesta baraha bulshadda qabsatay ee HUMAAG
Hits: 902
Friday May 03, 2019 - 00:42:24 - In the 1970s and 80s Mogadishu's airwaves were filled with Somali funk, disco, soul and reggae. Musicians rocking afros and bell-bottom trousers would perform at the city's trendiest nightclubs during the height of the country's golden era of music. But it was short-lived: a brutal civil war began, musicians fled to all corners of the world and the vibrant music scene came to an end. Habib and Abdulkadir, two former band mates and best friends, lost touch after the war started, and neither knew if the other was alive. But both kept playing music. Somali Night Fever tells the story of the people keeping Somali music alive, including these two friends, separated by war but united by the music of the golden era.
Hits: 3813
Sunday February 24, 2019 - 03:16:53
Hees Ubaxii Hobyo—— ——————— Alif leyl wa leyl Ifka kumaanan arag Idiloo kale , Inan loo dhigee. ——— Waa ehelu kheyr Ixtiraam gobbled Lagu abaabiyoo Ehel looga dhigayee ————— Ubax weeye iffoo Hobyo aan ka arkoo Indhaheeygi arkaa Ku ildoogsadayoo Ma iloobi karee, Ma iloobi karee Ishcalaa quruxleey ————— Inan la guursadoo Aqal lala gallaa Aqal lala galloo OOri laga dhigtaa Runtii waa iyadda —————— Dhamaan unugyadiyo Uurkiyo wadnaheey Ku abuurantoo Waan aaminee —— Erayo iyo Laxan Dahir Alasow Music By Mohamed Karaama
Hits: 13716
Friday February 22, 2019 - 03:13:25
Daawo Wardegdega -Xaliimo gobaad oo feer lagala daalay iyo shoowgeedii oo foowda ku dhamaaday Muqdisho
Hits: 4036
Wednesday February 20, 2019 - 22:45:31
Daawo boqorada Maandeeq Nur Garaash oo wacdaro ka dhigtay shoowgeedii Muqdisho
Hits: 4115
Wednesday February 20, 2019 - 22:37:31
DAAWO Suldaan Seerar oo gabadh reer Galmudug ah hees ku amaanay iyo goboladda dhamaan
Hits: 21258
Wednesday February 20, 2019 - 02:21:17
DAAWO Khadar Keyow iyo Xaliimo gobaad oo soo duubay hees muuqaalkeeda Al-Shabaab ka careeysiisay iyo halista uga imaan karta ?
Hits: 14129
Wednesday February 20, 2019 - 01:52:06
Daawo Dayax Dalnuurshe oo ka hadlay dagaalkii sababay inuu ka baaqdo Fashion-kii Nairobi ee lagu casuumay
Hits: 5589
Sunday January 27, 2019 - 12:54:28
Daawo Youtuber aan la aqoon oo heestii Khadar Keyow iyo Sacdiyo Siman ku helay iney daawadaan hal milyan iyo todobo boqol oo qof - "New score heesta Deeqsi"