Somalia: Battles erupts in Gedo, Hiran regions

Thursday February 24, 2011 - 04:40:37 in News in English by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Battles erupts in Gedo, Hiran regions

    Fadumo Farah-

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Fadumo Farah- Belet-hawo, Beledweyne (Cunaabi) — Fierce battles between Somali government forces and Al shabaab fighters erupted in Beet-hawo district in Gedo region in southern Somalia, officials said Wednesday.

Heavy gun fire and shelling could be heard at the center of Belet-hawo.

People started to flee from their houses as more houses burnt after mortars landed them.

Reports from the town of Belet-hawo suggested at least 15 mainly from warring sides killed in the town.

However, the situation is at this night reported calm and Al shabaab is incharge of the town so far.

Separately, clashes between pro-government fighters and Al shabaab broke out in Elgal about 15 km from Belet-weyne town where the warring sides pounded heavy bombardments each other. The casualties of that clash are still unknown.

But, local residents confirmed the situation of the Belet-weyne is now calm.
By Fadumo Farah

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