Somalia: Low Flying helicopters Roam around Kismayo

Tuesday February 15, 2011 - 04:01:02 in News in English by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Low Flying helicopters Roam around Kismayo

    By Fadumo Farah

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By Fadumo Farah

Kismayo (Cunaabi) A number of low flying helicopters have been seen on Sunday morning going around Somalia’s port city of kismayo.

The helicopters are perceived to have taken off from an anti-piracy warship that is reported to be stationed in the Lower Juba coast. Residents have reported that some of the helicopters have been flying on a near landing level.

Al-shabab militias in the Kismayo port have started shooting at one of the helicopters using AK 47 rifles. However, the helicopter was not harmed.

Some of the residential areas where the helicopters have been hovering over were; Bula Abliko and presidential residence area. The helicopters later flew to the west, towards Gobweyn district.

Kismayo is home to many foreign insurgents fighting along side Al-shabab militias. The helicopters are suspected to have been spying on those fighters who are some times targeted by forces fighting terrorism in the Horn of Africa region.

The US navy has on several occasions carried out similar operations where wanted Al-Qaida fighters were targated.

However, it is not known which country the helicopters belong to and their mission in Kismayo.

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