Close to Two Hundred Men Arrested in Beletweyne

Saturday February 05, 2011 - 03:32:34 in News in English by Super Admin
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    Close to Two Hundred Men Arrested in Beletweyne

    By Fadumo Farah-

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Photo: Airt craft
By Fadumo Farah-

Hiiraan (Sunatimes) Al-shabab militias in Beletweyne district, the capital of Hiran region have arrested one hundred and ninety four people.

The people who were arrested comprise of old and young men in the central region’s capital. The Shabab militias accused them of disobeying their previous order which banned men from shaving their beards.

The militias earlier announced a two month ultimatum for male adults to grow beards. They also banned them from keeping long moustaches.

The men who were arrested were all taken to Beletweyne’s central prison. Some of them were arrested from their shops and other places of work. Some were also arrested while in their houses.

Al-shabab militias usually impose restrictions and orders on people living in areas under their control. They claim the orders are in accordance with the Islamic law.

Fadumo Farah Borame

[email protected]

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